Sunday, June 7, 2020

Tom Arnold Calls on Liberals to 'Borrow Our Dad's Hunting Rifles' to Confront Trump Supporters!

Bottom feeder, washed-up, never-was, "actor" Tom Arnold who has admitted to having mental health problems, has gone completely bonkers, like many Leftists in the age of Trump. While correctly citing the Second Amendment applies to all, the radical unhinged violent Leftist is showing that violent side (this site has pointed out they all possess) by calling on fellow 'white liberal men to stand up for our brothers & sisters. Borrow our dad's hunting rifles & go nose to nose with Trump’s gang of misfit tools. Let's do it'

Now if you're a frequent visitor to this site and Twitter feed you're well aware of the warnings with regard to the Left trying to start another civil war! This fool Arnold appears to actually wanting to start it now over all of this new racism nonsense being driven by far-left groups like Black Lives Matter to Antifa.

I don't think Tommy understands the HELL that will come if he and Meathead Rob Reiner instigated actual armed conflict. You've clearly seen the vids of the armed guys (sporting AK's, AR's, shotguns, with a handgun on their hip or holstered) showing up to protect businesses from looters and rioters.

They're nothing compared to the ones sitting at home who are beyond pissed off after 8 years of obama, watching all this waiting for the actual SHTF! We know Leftists like to fight, some are in LE, ex-military etc, but the majority of white liberal men are not and this clown is calling on them to 'Borrow our dad's hunting rifles', which means they don't really know how to handle themselves.

Maybe Tommy is off the wagon, did lil too much coke, smoked too much pot or something, but this is stupid and let's be honest Tommy-boy, you and your pal (who probably had a heart-attack when he saw that) WILL NOT BE STANDING on the front-line leading anyone into battle. Frankly, your battle cry to 'go nose to nose with Trump’s gang of misfit tools' is no different from some jihadist leader telling all his brainwashed fighters to go die while they hide in some cave somewhere, which is EXACTLY what you will be doing if and when SHTF.

We get it, we understand you're all worked up, hate Trump, GOP, TEA Party, conservatives, NRA, gun nuts, Constitution and Bible waving people on the right. But picking a fight with the people who have literally been buying guns and ammo since Jan 2009 (even sooner) that have been training efficiently with them since is not wise. Yea sure, you might get a couple good licks in but if these liberal dopes actually start a gunfight, in all seriousness they will get slaughtered. And by the looks of this post Tommy is making a joke of it after reality hit...

You all need to cool your jets and get over losing in 2016. You have a chance in Nov, Biden isn't the best candidate but if you want to change things then do it legislatively. If the Right played by your rules we would have had an armed insurrection by 2012-2013 after that nightmare you loons forced on the country.

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