Sunday, June 14, 2020

What Group is the White Girl Who Set the Atlanta Wendy's on Fire With?

Everysingle protest has turned violent, with the help of outside instigators. The Wendy's that burned down Saturday night was not set ablaze by rioters but by a white girl.

WHO is she? The better question to ask, WHAT GROUP is she with:

  • Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), whose Broward, FL chapter just recently supported the riots;
  • Antifa, who show up at every single protest rattling the cage and inciting just enough people to turn a protest into a riot, giving them cover to cause havoc, destruction and assault counter-protesters;  OR
  • Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), who wants to "burn down the American plantation once and for all" ?

Violent Leftists are always co-opting peaceful protests turning them violent

..and things are going to continue to get more violent the more we have incidents like what just happened in Atlanta, and as we get closer to the election.

People have a right to protest PEACEFULLY, what they don't have a right to is getting violent, breaking windows, looting and setting fires. Those acting out do not care about the people protesting and their cause, they're just using them to advance their agenda. These people are radical and extremely dangerous, if you see them you need to call them out, follow them get police involved (even if you hate them) otherwise all people sitting at home will see are a bunch of rioters setting fires.

These commies want to set the US on fire, because some men just want to watch the world burn.

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