Democrat voters (antifa, blm, black bloc, liberals, progressives etc) are no longer hiding who they really are. Over the last 3 months they've elevated the violence and destruction across America, terrorizing citizens. It doesn't matter who you are, politician to activist young or old if you get in their way they will attack.
Portland is radical central, where the most hardcore democrat voters have taken their revolution to a new level by rolling out a guillotine where they proceeded to burn American flags, sending America a clear message of their intentions. This is French Revolution level message to those in power. The lower level dopes have no clue and cheer on, but this site is confident those running the violent revolution each have a copy of The Coming Insurrection next to their beds, if not in their dirty stinky pants pocket or backpack!
#PortlandRiots: Antifa brought a guillotine and toy bear to their violent protest. The teddy bear represents @tedwheeler, who they’ve threaten to hurt or kill because he’s the police commissioner & they blame him for not abolishing police.— Andy NgĂ´ (@MrAndyNgo) August 23, 2020
Regardless of who wins in November this is not going to stop. If Trump wins they protest against him; Biden wins they stay on course because the dems and media lackeys support them, never calling for the monsters to back off. These monsters were waiting for any excuse to start rioting, they used George Floyd's death coopting legitimate calls for police reform to push their radical agenda under the guise of "Black Lives Matter". If they cared that much about the lives of blacks why didnt they set up camp in Chicago weeks, months a year + ago? WHY are the majority of "peaceful protesters" PRIVILEGED WHITE liberals?
This is all a ruse, to win hearts and minds. Anyone who doesn't support them 100% will meet the guillotine as far as they're concerned. Americans, especially those in the middle, better wise up and prepare to defend yourselves. If dems win in Nov the police will be disseminated by the HARRIS/biden regime, where they will not be any cops available when you dial 911.
Choice in Nov is clear:
Trump - security, law and order
HARRIS/biden - lawlessness, violence and destruction
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