Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Michelle Obama Slams ‘Racist’ Trump: ‘Only a Tiny Fraction of Demonstrations' Have Been Violent

Michelle Obama like her husband is out campaigning for Joe, and doing what comes natural to her - sowing the seeds of divide while giving cover to violent democrat voters who have been tearing this country apart. This country was fine racially until Michelle and other half came to power, they exasperated the division between the police and communities while also creating the racial divide we're now experiencing. Most insulting is her statement that 'only a tiny fraction of the demonstrations' were violent! Right and 99% of the flights on 9/11 were peaceful too! Democrat pundits and officials have had one opportunity after another to condemn the violence where they either ignored, trivialized or even had the audacity to claim the violence we've seen is/was committed by white supremacists and radical right wing infiltrators. There is plenty of footage posted to this site demonstrating democrats in the streets weren't engaged in anything one could call "peaceful protesting". Michelle calling Trump a racist is typical tactic democrats use when they have nothing left to say. The President hasn't done anything racist and frankly he has been more than patient with these mayors and governors who allow these monsters to terrorize cities and states and law abiding citizens who just want to be left alone. You know Biden is desperate to win when the obama's get drafted to help him, and you can be sure barry will be very involved in the HARRIS/biden administration. Vote Trump/Pence to keep these dividers out of the White House and our lives otherwise get used to seeing MOOCHELLE virtue signaling and race-baiting.

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