BlackRock is a very large investment management and financial planning company with their hands in just about everything. For 10 years Edward Dowd was a Managing Director and Equity Portfolio Manager for the company so he understands markets, money supply and how things work when it comes to money. In this clip, that is making its rounds on social media, Down warns all the poor policies that have been enacted to prop up economies, especially as a result of the bug, are not going to hold much longer....
'We're at the end and due to that fact um we're going to see lots of crazy things in the financial markets. I think we're going to see um the credit markets become unhinged, the equity markets become unhinged.. Um you know the fed got a reprieve from covid when they were able to you know under the cover of covid would print 65 percent more money um to keep this thing afloat but we're at the end.. end days here. And um a lot of what you're seeing in the response from global governments is what I believe is setting up a system to um you know under the guise of medical tyranny to uh prevent uh the riots that are gonna ensue once this thing all unwinds that's my personal belief and I watch what people do not what they say'
Got it?
He's saying the money printing isn't going to hold, Globalists/BuildBackBetter advocates/ NWO types have been rushing to get as much power as they can in the name of public health safety as a result of the bug to keep people on lockdown for when SHTF, because they KNOW when all the John and Jane Homemaker’s life savings are wiped out they're not just gonna sit by and accept whatever bs story their fed. People will snap their will be blood in the streets - something like the Purge but average people wont be going at it, instead they’ll all be out for the people who caused the collapse. Now you understand why the powers that be are trying to keep everyone locked down, becoming quite the tyrants.
This site has been warning for years that we've been in the eye of the storm of the Greatest Depression, and when we hit the other side of the storm wall it will be unlike anything seen/ experienced.
Buy guns and ammo, and other supples, learn some skills, connect with like minds.
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