Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Pelosi: “I Like To Eat At 5:30…Like A Peasant”

This progressive monster always proves how much she detests the average American, saying she likes “to eat at 5:30... like a peasant.”

Hard-working Americans, if theyre lucky to have a job and fortunate for a typical 9-5 one close to home, eat at 5:30. Most have to eat later and others earlier if they work more than one job or in after-hour shifts, many have to eat alone instead of with family/ loved ones. Since when does eating at 5:30 equate to being a peasant? Sorry we all can't dine at some lavish restaurant at 7-8pm that overcharges patrons like Nanzi, her bastard nephew or any of the other elites.
I dunno America, you better get a plan to fix the election system and run these fascist elitists out of power - it only gets worse from here.
[Searching for aud source, probably more zingers in it]

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