Wednesday, April 6, 2022

DNC Chair Calls GOP Senator A “Maggot-Infested Man”

  DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison went on an unhinged rant against Sen Cotton, calling him a “maggot-infested man,” over the Senators justified handling of radical Leftist SCOTUS nominee KBJ. Cotton stated "The last Judge Jackson left the Supreme Court to go to Nuremberg and prosecute the case against the Nazis. This Judge Jackson might have gone there to defend them." There is nothing wrong with what he said here based on her record, no whining Leftists will admit. She has defended Gitmo detainees, yes she was appointed but she could have refused, so to suggest she could've defended nazis is not an impossibility! If you agree with Cotton or the other GOP Senators who rightly called KBJ out for her disgraceful record and poor judgement on the bench, and that this radical political activist has no business being on SCOTUS, then understand this attack on Cotton applies to you too!

Leftists HATE conservatives in Congress and they HATE you.
If these monsters get their way we'll all be marched into the prison camps.

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