Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Fmr Fox News Reporter: Time To Put People In Jail For Misinformation

  Here's another example of how radical the Left is and that they want you in jail for just about anything up to and including what they deem misinformation. This clip is fmr Fox News political reporter Carl Cameron.... 'scuse me his DORKY name while at Fox was "Campaign Carl" Cameron, who praised the illegitimate individual's handling of the recent terror attack. DINGY FACE Nicole Wallace inserted MISINFORMATION blaming Tucker Carlson for the attack and asking this DORK what should be done where he said 'It’s time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail.'

When this site and conservatives warn 'The Left wants you enslaved or better yet dead' we're not kidding. That opinion is based on facts, the facts that come out of these monsters mouths!
Look at the headlines and what they're doing to this country. The Left lies and cheats, they accuse you of the crimes they're committing. They push misinformation daily, causing their own to rise up riot, commit acts of violence, loot etc.
The Left WANTS YOU ENSLAVED, IMPRISONED OR DEAD! Buy guns, LOTS of guns, ammo and standard capacity MAGAzines (aka "high capacity")

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