Showing posts with label White Supremacist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White Supremacist. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Dem Accuses Ken Cuccinelli of Supporting "White Supremacist Ideology"

Debbie Wasserman Schultz must be feeling left out of the news circuit interview circle as she viciously attacked the acting Citizenship and Immigration Services Director, Ken Cuccinelli, of supporting a "white supremacist ideology", during House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on immigration.

This woman's 15 minutes were well over YEARS ago. A nasty prepared speech accusing someone of being a racist is not what taxpayers are paying for. Listen to her, she acts high and mighty, talking down to the Director, and of course invoking her right to "reclaim her time" when her DEFAMATORY LIES are challenged. The Speech and Debate Clause needs to be scrapped. These monsters cannot treat people like this with no accountability or at the least a response. How dare she or anyone in DC attack another American, be it a member of the Trump admin to citizens like the democrats have been doing. We had Harry Reid accuse Mitt Romney (no fan of) of not paying his taxes, which Reid admitted he knew was a lie but "it worked", to this despicable excuse for a human being to call a man a racist and white supremacist.

The Trump admin and Cuccinelli are for once enforcing the immigration laws CONGRESS WROTE! If they're racist then every single member of Congress who authored and or voted for the laws being enforced, or to never offering new laws are racists and white supremacists too! When did it become racist to keep people who don't belong here from entering? When did it become a white supremacist ideology to NOT conflate illegal immigrants with legal immigrants? This woman is not crazy, she's dangerous like all democrats in Congress and the Leftists on the streets who support them.

There's something quite bigger at play here you need to understand. The democrats/ Leftists, as a whole, are telling the same lies over and over again that those on the Right, and anyone who supports them, are racists, bigots, white supremacists and we can't forget nazis. Why? Because they know there are people in America who have no clue what is going on, who will repeat the lies and act on them. Dems know these people are uneducated and clueless taking every word as gospel: "Oh gee, they said they're nazis, it must be true because politicians/ media are always right." With that the dems are banking on these people taking that anger out on the Right at the ballot box, because why would you want nazis running the govt!?

Look at her, DWS couldn't careless over the danger she is putting that man in by calling him a white supremacist. That should concern all Americans, because if the dems have no problem attacking Cuccinelli and Trump just imagine what they will do to you!

These Leftist monsters need to be POLITICALLY exterminated in 2020, if not it's only going to get worse.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

AZ Dem Congressman Attacks Pres Trump, Calls Him a "Racist" and "Abject Liar"

This is quite fascinating, POTUS went from being a Russian operative to a racist over night! Curious if he is a racist where is all the old footage of his racist ways? Does Rep Gallego know Trump dated Kara Young, who is biracial!?

Wouldn't that make him a hypocrite to be a racist yet date a girl who is biracial? Lastly, do we need to point out the minorities who did come out to support and vote for him, those he has close relationships with and employed etc?

What you have here America is the new narrative that POTUS and his base are white supremacists and racists. The unhinged radical Left KNOWS the race card, while overused, still works because people run to the hills the moment they're tagged as such. Then again if you didn't support Bernie or vote for Hillary you are a racist to begin with so no need to cower to false claims. The Left is absolutely desperate to remove this man from office and retake power in Congress. You know the drill, when they have nothing, Russian conspiracy blew up in their face, these monsters pull the race card.

All you need to do is remind them they ARE the party of slavery, kkk and Jim Crow! Do not allow these radicals rewrite history to hide who they really are!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Sanders Fmr Press Sec: We Have Put a White Supremacist in the White House

Bernie Sanders frm press secretary Symone Sanders is really trying to make a name for herself pulling the race card at every opportunity. In nutshell, more or less with CNN's blessing, Pres Trump is a racist and white supremacist all because he refuses to single out one side over the recent race riots. That is what all of this is about. Trump didn't spell out the kkk, nazis, alt-right in his speech a week ago so he has racist tendencies and is a white supremacist.

There is nothing this POTUS can do or say that will not be attacked by radical unhinged Leftists. This is all we're going to see and hear over the 3.5 years. Trump is a racist, bigot, womanizer, corporate shill, globalist, Russian operative etc etc etc. These people are going to try to wear Americans down with relentless attacks with the hopes Congress steps in with impeachments or he resigns.

They don't care 63M people want him in office, these elites want him out and will do it with one fake conspiracy after another. One thing they aren't factoring in is what those 63M people will do. That will be a very bad day for the country....