Monday, November 3, 2014

Biden Vows White House Will Not Change Agenda if GOP Wins Senate

Americans be warned if the GOP wins control of the Senate while holding the House the imperial regime will maintain its direction on running this country into the ground. If anything Benito Obama will accelerate his radicals plans before the new Congress is sworn in January 2015. Even after, his majesty will work the system issuing Executive Orders to bypass Congress and he will justify it claiming the new Congress is a bunch of obstructionists, bigots, playing the race card, war on women etc.

Also be warned this lame duck session is the most dangerous time because Dingy Reid and the progressive radicals will ram though as much legislation as they can before they lose their power. Even though the democrats will be out of power fact remains progressives still infest Congress as a whole. There is only a handful of Conservatives in the House and Senate looking out for us. If this new Congress does not repeal 85% of obamacare under reconciliation before the end of 2015 then everyone will finally see how corrupt the GOP is, no different from the DNC!

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