"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage, and basically you know call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass. And you know it's a second best argument, look I wish Mark was right could make it all transparent but I'd rather have this law than not..." ~ Jonathan Gruber Professor of Economics at MIT

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t barackobamacare now a clear case of fraud? We have this clown admitting it, Darth Hussein on tape lying countless times about his namesake law as well as many dems and other radicals lying too!?
How many republicants are there in DC right now who will not push for this law to be repealed? Where are the champions of the republic to have this law ruled fraudulent and nullified? Why haven’t some of the watch groups like American Center for Law and Justice and Landmark Legal attacked this law from a new angle of it being fraud to have it thrown out?
Let's face it folks we are screwed as long as progressives are left in power. 11/4/14 was good day but we have yet to clean house in DC.
ht DailySignal
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