The same person who:
- didn't answer that 3am call, not to mention repeated requests for help in Benghazi which resulted in 4 dead Americans and several others severely injured,
- refuses to say radical islamic extremists,
- invoked a foreign policy equal to throwing gasoline, if not lighting the match, on the middle east causing the Arab Spring giving rise to ISIS,
- has really done nothing as Senator or Sec of State other than cause more problems while running run her mouth thinks she can fight terrorism?!
This in general is tough love, lastly and here is how you know she is full of shit...
ANYONE saying they will invoke a foreign policy and strategy that will destroy ISIS is lying!
Why do I say that?
You can't kill an idea and that idea is driven by that 'book. Their fucking book. The only book they ever read, they read it [Koran] all the time. They never stop.
They’re there for one reason and one reason only: to die for the caliphate and usher in a world without infidels. That’s their strategy and it’s been that way since the seventh century.'
The best we can ever do is 'hit reset', 'pound Raqqa into parking lot' along with all the other radical islamic extremists strongholds around the globe. Unleash the full might of the US military putting so much fear no one will even consider taking up arms against the US. Bring these monsters as close to extinction as we can, isolate and control them. That's all we will be able to do because ideas don't breath, bleed, feel pain or love.
Hillary Clinton like obama wants the opposite of wiping radical islamic extremists out. For the record take note their PC policy to not even say radical islamic extremist hasn't stopped these monsters from killing. She is extremely dangerous, she knows her time is limited because she is hiding an illness from all of us! That said if elected you can bank on this hardcore progressive ramming through an agenda that will make the US less safe than it already is. She will weaken our military further from where obama has taken it. She will gladly admit 500K, if not more, middle eastern refugees that this govt is on record saying they cannot vet with 100% certainty in guaranteeing our safety. Hillary cannot be allowed into the White House.
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