Friday, September 16, 2016

Congressional Black Caucus Attacks Trump With the Race Card

In typical progressive/ Alinsky fashion Clinton and Congressional Black Caucus have to pull the race card because they have nothing. When they are out of material they always go to racism because they know it sells with their drones.

The only thing disgusting and a fraudulent is the DEPLORABLE RACIST Congressional Black Caucus being given airtime to push their hate. Trump fan or not, what he said is not even remotely racist, this birther thing is a product of the left. Clinton's 2008 campaign started it because she was out to destroy obama! Yea, it's amazing how short peoples memories are isn't it!

Why are we talking about the birther thing again anyway? Why did Clinton bring it up? Because she is in panic mode, running out of things to attack Trump with. Everything she has thrown at him hasn't stuck. He hasn't said anything about this in a few years yet if you heard her today you would think Trump is running around pushing the birther conspiracy.

Conway and Ailes are playing this campaign masterfully keeping Trump in line.

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