Friday, September 2, 2016

FBI's Friday Document Dump of Clinton Email Report Proves US Has Become a Banana Republic

Okay first off nothing like a Friday afternoon document dump on a holiday weekend. This is how stupid and low the govt thinks of you America.

Second, this FBI policy of not recording interviews needs to end. This is the 21st century there are no technological or economic hurdles to overcome to acquire a camera, hit record and store the file. Hell the interviewers no doubt had smartphones if the FBI doesn't have camera available to use and the NSA has a data storage facility in Utah that has the storage capacity the size of the Sun!

Third, it should be abundantly clear Hillary Clinton LIED to the FBI and Congress which is a punishable crime. She had security training on how to handle documents and information, signed a form acknowledging it to the degree of if you're not sure treat the material as classified. Her "I don't recall" excuse disqualifies her from being POTUS as it supports arguments that there are health issues at play she is hiding.

Fourth, James Comey needs to resign or be impeached by Congress for failing to recommend indicting Clinton for violating multiple laws. He even changed a law on the fly arguing she showed no intent, when intent is not a legal test for violating US code 8 793(f). Furthermore as Fox's Catherine Herridge points out the FBI didn't really push this issue and others pointing out no followup and they treated it more like an interview than an investigation. In other words the FBI was just going through the motions to shut people up.

Enough of the nonsense from pundits on both sides that say Comey is a good honorable man. NO HE ISN'T! Everything we have learned about Clinton, her handling of sensitive govt documents and emails, her unauthorized email server and lying to the US proves James Comey let a felon walk. Make no mistake about it if any of us had done a fraction of what Clinton has done we would be in a federal jail.

As a matter of fact, a US sailor charged for espionage, over 6 photos he took of a submarine, used Clinton's excuse. He was denied, now sentenced to 1 year in prison, fined $100, will then serve 6mos home confinement, 100 hours of community service and has lost his Second Amendment right! ~ USNews

The DOJ and FBI are nothing more than the legal and law enforcement arms of the obama imperial empire. They go after anyone and everyone who crosses this regime while protecting regime members who are outright felons like Clinton. With this news unfolding throughout the day you should have no doubt now the US is a Banana Republic. Many are outraged but you know and I know NOTHING is going to happen to Hillary. Give it time Congress will be in a uproar probably have a hearing or two but there will be no action from them, again proving the US is a Banana Republic.

So what do we do? Haven't a clue... in sane times when people had spines we'd already literally be at the torches and pitchforks stage. But the current state of the American people time and again shows are in a deep sleep, coma even, or convinced by their elected overseers they are powerless.

The 240 year old experiment has failed, time for a reset....

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