Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Harry Reid Claims Dem Gun Bill Would Stop Next Attack

There he goes, Dingy Reid never disappoints! This nutjob wants the American people to believe the last gun control bill dems proposed that was stopped if implemented now "would prevent the next terror attack"! You might remember this was a bill that banned anyone from making a purchase who is on a terror watch list. Yes, that bill was stopped by republicans because countless innocent Americans were on said list including former Senators and Representatives. The system is flawed which is why it died. Also keep in mind obama, his mouthpiece Josh Earnest and other dems like Mark Kelly have said on record there is no gun law that can stop a criminal or terrorist. Reid of course breaks ranks saying yes "one thing is for sure, it would prevent the next attack"!

Reid did an outstanding job demonstrating how uneducated he is talking about "explosives" you can buy at gun stores. Said "explosive" he is referring to is called tannerite which requires a high velocity impact from, say a projectile fired from a rifle to set it off or blasting cap; in other words it needs another explosive to set it off. Did he make this clear? NO. Instead Reid runs his uninformed uneducated divisive mouth to push the anti-gun agenda.

Like the dem motto goes never let a good crisis go to waste!

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