Monday, September 12, 2016

If Hillary is Elected Could Bill Clinton Play Same Role as Woodrow Wilson's Wife?

The fact that Hillary wasn't brought to the ER is proof she is more ill than we are being told. The Secret Service disputes they broke protocol by not taking her to the ER which to many was a clear act to hide her true medical condition from the public. Instead Clinton is taken to her daughters home where 90mins later she appears full of energy, waving to people and taking a photo with a little girl!

First of all, if she has pneumonia why is she spending time around her grandchildren risking their health?

Second, the doctors on her payroll must have loaded her up with all kinds of drugs to go from collapse being dragged into a van to "hi everyone".

What happens if she is elected and her health continues to deteriorate? IMO Clinton could follow one of her progressive idols tracks, Woodrow Wilson, becoming incapacitated and hidden from the media by his wife Edith. We know concealment is possible in this day and age based on what we have already seen.

Maybe HRC won't be bedridden but incapacitated to the degree the media's access to her is limited. When she makes appearances she will be heavily loaded up on drugs as we saw on 9/11/16. The media has given her a free ride to date so they won't press for access. No, instead they will make excuses like they are already doing. Ok, so we've established that it's plausible to hide her from the public, like Wilson. If this turns out to be so what happens with the day to day activities at the White House? You can bet the last 2cents to your name Bill Clinton will take charge as Pres Wilson's wife Edith Wilson.

Edith Wilson more of less ran the White House (unofficial first female president) after Pres Wilson suffered a stroke.

"The first move in establishing what she called her “stewardship” was to mislead the entire nation, from the Cabinet to Congress to the press and the people. Vetting the carefully crafted medical bulletins that were publicly released, she would only permit an acknowledgement that Wilson badly needed rest and would be working from his bedroom suite. When individual Cabinet members came to confer the President, they went no further than the First Lady. If they had policy papers or pending decisions for him to review, edit or approve, she would first look over the material herself. If she deemed the matter pressing enough, she took the paperwork into her husband’s room where she claimed she would read all the necessary documents to him."

America it's clearly plausible for a similar scenario to play out with the Clinton's. Look at the perfect choreography on 9/11 by her aides and Secret Service to cover her as she was dragged into that van. That wasn't the first time they've done that!

Hillary and Bill are expert liars and manipulators who would have the aid of the corrupt mainstream media and other govt depts and agencies to pull this deception off. Again the media already protects her, look how they went after NBC's Matt Lauer for asking legitimate questions at the national security forum. The media touts the "love" people have for Bill and we've seen the lengths the FBI and DOJ have gone to protect her. For the Clinton's to repeat history today IMO would be much easier than it was for Pres Wilson's wife, she was alone for the most part unlike the Clinton's who have many asking "how high" to jump.

We live in crazy times anything is possible today and Bill Clinton could clearly play the same role as Edith Wilson.

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