"There is no evidence at this point of a terror connection to this incident... there is no evidence at this point of a terror connection. ... But we do want to be very clear, the early indications, initial indications is this was an intentional act"
You got that America it was an intentional act to blow people up but not a terror attack because they had no specific and credible threat against NYC! And apparently a second device, pressure cooker, being located isn't enough for people like de Blasio to say terrorism either!
For those living under a rock who might not know, for one acting to hurt, maim and kill a lot of people using a weapon of mass destruction (be it a gun, car, knife, bomb etc) that is an act of terrorism. An individual doesn't have to be a card carrying member of ISIS, al Qaeda, any other jihadist organization or any radical militant group for that matter for their actions to be deemed terrorism. Running around screaming "allahu akbar" is NOT a per-requisite for an act to kill people to be classified as terrorism.
If you try kill a bunch of people with whatever method you choose you are a terrorist! An intentional act to kill is an act of terrorism period. Mayor de Blasio clearly won the award for Galactically Stupid Comment of the Day. IMO like a typical submissive, passive progressive de Blasio went out of his way to protect a potential connection to islam with this explosion in NY. That is foolish and dangerous, but hey this is who you chose to run your city New Yorkers, you wanted him you got him!
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