Saturday, September 24, 2016

Scott Shooting Dash and Body Cam Video Released, Ankle Holster Clearly Visible

The dash and body cam video quality** is not good and as Charlotte PD Chief Putney made it clear said videos are not definitive, but he did say there is no doubt Keith Lamont Scott was armed. That said for those saying Keith didn't have a gun will you please explain why in his wife's video you hear police repeatedly screaming to "drop the gun"? And why did she say "Keith don't you do it"? Also if he didn't have a gun then why was he wearing an ankle holster which appears to match up with the gun found?


Surely those saying Scott did not have a gun are not suggesting that he was going around with an empty ankle holster!?


Oh btw in Scott's wife's video the gun was NOT planted by the officer in red. The gun can be seen on the ground after the shooting and the officer in red steps back to stand over it. It is standard procedure for officers to secure aka handle a weapon, so please stop with the conspiracy nonsense.


**highly recommend adjusting the video settings Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 11.24.42 AM to run the video at .25 speed**

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