Monday, February 27, 2017

Audio Proof Anti-Trump Town Hall Protests Are Manufactured

Liberals caught on audio plotting fake rage prior to Senator Bill Cassidy's (R) town hall event just proves everything we've all known about these hostile town hall meetings. Yet those attending will rant the protests are by "repubs" and grassroots effort. This just goes to show there is no level liberals won't go to undermine this country for that sick twisted progressive socialist utopian nightmare. Leaked audio like this only proves everything Dana Loesch explained about these astroturf protests is 100% true.

Progressives are not going to stop, they are not going to come to any sort of compromise. When these monsters don't get their way sooner or later one of them is going to snap and become very violent (more than what we've seen). Violence is all democrats know when they don't get their way, which history has proven.

Leaked Audio Reveals Anti-Trump Forces Manufacturing Hostile Town Hall
by Peter Hasson | DailyCaller
Leaked audio from an anti-Trump protest group meeting reveals activists with anti-Trump group Indivisible plotting how to best manufacture a hostile environment at a town hall with Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana on Friday.

The audio, obtained by local radio station KPEL, reveals a coordinated effort to create the public impression that Cassidy’s support for Trump is unpopular with his constituents. The activists, who describe themselves as liberals in the audio, can be heard strategizing how to best turn a local town hall into a political victory.

The activists split up into an “inside team” — tasked with occupying “as many seats as we can” and an “outside team,” whose job was to “give [the media] the coverage they want” before joining the others inside. Activists were instructed to dress like conservatives and leave at home “any signifier that you’re a liberal” in order to blend in with constituents.

The leftist activists strategized how best to “dominate” the question-and-answer section of the town hall and keep anyone “sympathetic” to Cassidy from asking a question

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