Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Obama: We Only Have "Two To Three Months" Left To Pass Amnesty

0bama is going to get John "Crybaby" Boehner to ram an amnesty bill through the House. Immigration reform of any kind cannot be permitted to even come to the House floor for a vote. We have been warned any bill voted on by the House is a Trojan Horse to open the door for progressives to go to Conference and come out with amnesty.

What is the rush? Why is obama and all the progressives in such a hurry to get an amnesty bill passed? Using the midterm elections is a scare tactic, they have been pushing this since 2007, thank you John McCain you !@#$%%^. There is no logical reason to ram amnesty (Rubiocare) through other than to create a permanent voting block which will result in one party rule. Granted we have that now with progressives R's & D's but we do have a handful of rebels in Congress right now. If amnesty gets through there will be no one left in DC to fight for us! Don't shrug that off because with also means there will be no one on the state level to fight for us!!

Why Americans are not marching on DC, their state capitals etc is beyond me. You have seen how bad obamacare has been for the nation, the amnesty bill Darth Hussein wants passed will dwarf it in the amount of damage it will do to the nation. Rubiocare is a game changer, it will alter the US permanently. You marched in the 100's of thousands even millions against obamacare in 2009-10. You have been completely silent on amnesty, so keep that in mind when it gets passed and you're throwing a fit!

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