"..assuming Congress does not act I will use all the executive authority that I legally have in order to make fixes in some of the system..."
According to the boy king republicants should pass amnesty because the demographics are changing. Obola claims in a generation those who will be the dominant demographic, no thanks to their parents infiltrating the country using them as anchor babies making them legal citizens by birth, will vote out republicans! Well he has done it again admitting that progressives goal with illegals one way or another is to create a one party system!
The successful immigrants with talent his majesty refers to are not those crossing the border illegally. The innovators, entrepreneurs, best & brightest who have contributed to America's growth do not start off as illegal aliens. As for the foreigners coming here to study on student visas he speaks of, I seem to recall approx 6,000 of them are uncounted for right now!
Illegals sneaking into the US are unskilled, poorly educated seeking the free stuff progressives have been baiting them with to be future democrat voters.
With the threat of ISIS, and ebola coming across the border this guy is out of his mind thinking the American people support his call for amnesty. Oh and taking shots at Americans for trying to protect our towns and cities is low Barry, especially now that we have been proven right about the health risks they pose!
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