Thursday, November 13, 2014

Socialist Rep Gutierrez: Obama Should Take "Bold" & "Generous" Executive Action on Immigration

This socialist is one of the key players or should I say consigliere's behind Darth Hussein's executive amnesty. This guy is practically salivating as time ticks down to the imperial emperors unilateral action. Luis cannot contain himself knowing a whole new pool of uninformed, uneducated, dependent, entitlement voters will bring more power and control to the demoncrat party. He also couldn't careless about the rule of law, it's why he works so hard to find ways around it.

We can only speculate that "bold" means it will be an EO covering millions of illegals and stopping deportations of those who have no legal right to be in the US. It's safe to assume "generous" will be all the free stuff/ entitlements Rep Gutierrez wants for illegals while granting them legal status, making them first class citizens. They will undoubtedly get voting rights down the road when people have forgotten and moved on becoming the new voting block dems needs to stay in indefinite power. The midterm victory for republican was the final nail in the coffin for the emperor to take action. He and the dems know the people are wising up to both faces of the progressive beast, so it is his duty to deliver new loyal voters!

You may be upset America, but DC is business as usual today, I don't see you in the streets protesting.

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