Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Illegal Aliens Granted Amnesty Eligible For 3 Yrs of Tax Refunds That Could Cost Billions

“ many as 5 million people may be newly authorized to work, that they can go back and file tax returns that will enable them to get the earned income tax credit, which is potentially worth up to about $3,000 per family, even though they didn’t qualify for it before, even though they were working illegally before."

Wonderful on top of being put ahead of Americans for jobs now we learn illegals are eligible for tax credits for the years they have been here when they weren't paying taxes! Progressives kept pushing the angle that if illegals were permitted to come out of the shadows they would pay taxes into the system. This just goes to show the complete opposite where it could cost billions in refunds as Vaughan warns.

Congress as usual completely silent on this as they are on all illegal aliens issues. They waived their fists how wrong obamnesty is during the election to get elected. Now that they are in office it's back to business as usual enriching and empowering themselves while screwing taxpayers.

Time for a third party folks we need to take this country back from the progressive destroyers who couldn't careless about any of us.

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