Wednesday, February 4, 2015

White House Press Sec Says Summit on Violent Extremism Won't Focus on Radical Islam But Extremists Aka YOU!

"..we've talked about other violent extremists who are not Muslim who carried out acts of violence in this country and we're interested in countering those as well..."

Did we miss some major news? Was there an attack on US soil we all missed by some other radical violent extremist group in the name of their religion or cause? It would have been nice for the press corp to challenge white house press sec Josh Earnest as to what "other violent extremists" are running around chopping people's heads off or burning them alive in the name of their religion/ cause? Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu, New Age hell even Atheists are not running around swearing they will have global domination while murdering anyone who does not submit (that is what islam means) to their religion or beliefs.

The only violent extremists are those monster islamic radicals; bona-fide genuine hate groups don't even hold a candle to what these monsters are doing! The obama admin is going down a very dangerous road with its dismissal of radical islam associating it as any other run of the mill extremist group. This admin has been in fact working for years to identify and treat acts of terror as act of violence to equate them with common criminals. This is why they have given terrorists Miranda Rights and want to have trials in American criminal courts. Everything the obama admin does is cold and calculated with a bigger picture in mind. I have warned many times this is about this regime going after its enemies namely YOU! Those who identify as TEA Party, conservative, Christian-Conservative, Constitutionalists, Libertarian, pro-Second Amendment/ gun rights advocates, supporters of Israel etc aka obama's enemies YOU are the true target for this Summit on Violent Extremism.

By lumping islamic radicals with those listed above the door is opened to clamp down on all extremists when the next opportunity presents itself. Tensions are high right now where all it will take is an event on US soil followed by the American people calling for "something to be done" that will green light a crackdown on everyone deemed an extremist. The TEA Party and conservatives have already been called terrorists by this admin and many members of Congress where this summit will solidify the connection between them and terror organizations.

The Ferguson protests gave us a look into this pivot point of who is good and who is bad. Those who attend govt protests in peace demanding leaders respect the Constitution and rule of law were called terrorists while those who tear streets, towns and cities apart were praised. The good guys are the bad guys now where a summit like this could very well open the door to go after them!

Are we talking rounding up masses of people? No, but will this admin or any future admin use whatever new powers it grants itself to silence even lock up any major opposition (head/leader or very vocal members of an organization) in the name of national security? YES! Everything progressives do they do for a reason, nothing is trivial. Only time will tell if this theory is correct but look at how much has changed already...

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