Friday, April 24, 2015

Rejoice America! The Race Hustling, Political Activist Eric Holder Has Resigned

Yea great say your peace Eric you miserable SOB.

Eric Holder you are by far one of, if not the worst Attorney General in US history. NO actually you are because you are an obama appointment, and since obama will go down as the worst POTUS in history you are the same for Atty Gen.

How many witch hunts did you launch against innocent Americans? How many reporters and cops did you put under the microscope while you perverted the office you represented to do political activism? You wouldn't go after the Black Panthers for outright voter intimidation but had no problem taking on anyone who wasn't in lockstep with obama's radical agenda.

You have demonstrated your detest for this country for being held in contempt of Congress for stonewalling the Fast and Furious investigation. We the People will not forget how YOU tried to undermine the Second Amendment by running guns to Mexico.

When you weren't lying and being in contempt of Congress there you were stoking the flames of racism standing shoulder to shoulder with Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and countless other certified racists. Because of you and obama race relations have been set back 30-40 years. The US is NOT a racist nation, it is the victim of racists like yourself with far too much power to influence and manipulate the uninformed. You're an opportunist who used your "own people" to create division for power and control.

Eric you know the day will come when you will have to answer for the things you have done don't you?! You are truly a vile, evil man who helped set this nation to burn for the progressive agenda.

So do us all a favor Stedman go home enjoy retirement and stay out of our lives because now with no badge or title you're fair game for public ridicule!!

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