While the media focuses on the Hillary (24/7) and demonizing advocates of free speech (Pamela Geller) the Iran nuke deal is still in play. Yes the Senate passed a bill allowing Congress to weigh in on the nuke deal but within it they surrendered powers to treat it as a treaty. Security Analyst Frank Gaffney warned regardless of the steps taken the admin is committing "national security fraud" and it won't stop Iran from getting nukes.
The Iranians cannot be trusted with any deal. They cannot be permitted to keep any part of their program active. Said it a million times here and I will repeat it: When they have enough material for a bomb (or 2) they will test it in a live situation vs wasting it by setting a bomb off in the desert as a show of strength. We played this game with N Korea and they have nukes, we cannot afford it with Iran. Many ask why. It's simple the N Koreans or other small nations are not run by religious fanatics who believe they have to start the apocalypse to usher in the return of their messiah!
Congress is fulfilling Lincoln's warning that we will be destroyed from within vs a foreign foe. These fools who lied to the American people to get elected have put this nation on a direct course for total destruction. Our enemies around the world are laughing, capitalizing on how weak this nation has become. The Russians invade our airspace with bombers while spy-ships operate off our coast. The Chinese are making similar moves and have gotten very active with the Russians while terror organizations get bolder knowing obama will blink after issuing one of his timid red-line statements.
We have some power left by convening an Article V Convention of the States NOW to take power back from the fools running this country. The time for talking about it is over and if people won't move on it then those of you in brass who swore an oath to protect this nation have to take the lead. Time is not on our side you swore an oath to God and Country not govt and man!
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