Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ivy League Yale Students Sign Petition to Repeal the First Amendment

It doesn't matter who the man or where these ma on the street vids are done, they all have the same result. Most students at universities and colleges across the US are in favor of dismantling all or most of the US Constitution. These institutions are nothing but liberal/ progressive indoctrination camps hell-bent to undo the very fabric that makes America unique where people will literally risk their lives to come here!

Many of these dopes agree with Horowitz that micro-aggressions and making fun of people shouldn't be protected speech. Where did these mindless drones learn that? They learned it from the 1960's rejects who hated "the man", danced around with flowers in their hair and rolling around in the mud high as a kite who now run these institutions and frankly the govt!

STOP SENDING YOUR CHILDREN to these schools they are extremely anti-American and frankly dangerous how they can so easily brainwash people. Keep in mind it was progressives who started this lie that we need to go to college. WHY? Most grads will never use anything they "learn" ending up in careers that have nothing to do with their degree.

By all means if you or your kid wants to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, a science or some sort etc that truly requires higher learning go, get that degree. But people in this day and age with the amount of information available on the net can get the education they need outside of a designer piece of paper. You are far better off taking the money you would spend on a 4 yr degree and starting your own business (or raise money via crowdfund, venture capitalist, angel investors etc). Keep in mind large companies like Google are now more interested in what you can do rather than where you went to school.

FTR yours truly has a 4yr business degree... got me nowhere!

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