Sunday, February 14, 2021

Pelosi Raged Over Trump Acquittal

Pres Trump being acquitted for the second time has made the entire Left lose their minds. The House impeachment managers held a presser following the the trial complaining and whining. Nancy Pelosi, who wasn't planning on speaking showed up giving few remarks remarks and praise for the dems but then went off against the republicans and admitting how futile censuring Trump would be. This rage against Trump is out of fear, and the hate and rage these people are filled with. This witch and these traitors know there is almost nothing* from stopping Trump from running for President again. Remember this impeachment wasn't about him, it was about YOU. They know the American people despise them and through Trump our agenda was being put front and center. This impeachment main purpose was to keep him from running again so its true purpose was to send a message to you to never elect anyone who doesn't go along with the program into office and it has now failed. *Trump, GOPe primary candidates or even a third party run has Z E R O chance in 2022 and 2024 if progressives are not removed from controlling the election system and who counts the votes. Until this happens, even as angry as the dems are, they have nothing to worry about. All the cheating that was revealed is all being reviewed and corrected so it won't be discovered the next time around. Dems their GOPe pals know what worked and didn't and where all the mistakes were made. You can bet the last dollar in your pocket if nothing changes with our election system they will again pick who wins and loses in 2022.

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