Monday, February 15, 2021

Cuomo Blames Nursing Home Staff for Covid Deaths

Killer Cuomo (calling him this IS NOT facetious) held a PATHETIC CYA presser today not even a week after news broke from an aide that his regime was deliberately hiding the actual number of deaths. One of the reasons reported was because they were concerned Trump would use the data agaisnt them and they feared prosecution!! This fool who has no business holding any kind of elected office, not even dog catcher blamed nursing home staff (AGAIN) for the deaths of New York loved ones, regardless of the fact his regime ordered the sick into the homes. There is no distortion over the memo, it's clear he ordered the sick into the homes...
Killer Cuomo is not only vile and disgusting at this point, but he is the poster child for the ENTIRE Left, over how they have handled this virus and in general. Pointing the finger of blame at just about everyone, never taking a shred of responsibility and going on the attack against anyone who calls him out. If anyone deserved to be impeached it is this jackwagon. Frankly, in the eyes of many, he should be prosecuted for manslaughter for what he has done.

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