Monday, June 1, 2020

CNN's Lemon Says Trump is 'Declaring War on America'

Don Lemon, one of CNN's top hacks, is all worked up following Pres Trump's speech calling for mayors and governors to restore law and order or he will. Trump has threatened to deploy the military if the mayors and governors, who have handed their cities/states over to domestic terrorists who are destroying buildings, setting fires, looting and committing acts of violence. That was enough to send Lemon into his typical fit of hysteria claiming Trump is 'declaring war on America'.

Trump will more thank likely invoke the LAW, more specifically the Insurrection Act of 1807, to do what DEMOCRAT "leaders" (use that loosely) have failed to do. Invoking a law to restore order is not dictatorial, nor declaring war - it is to those it stops inter tracks or from pushing their radical destructive agenda! Dems PC approach to these monsters has completely backfired, only to embolden the terrorists to commit more crimes because they know nothing will happen to them. POTUS doesn't want to do it, the last thing he wants are troops engaging radical violent leftists with their bodies showing up on CNN all day under the headline "Trump's Troops Kill Peaceful Protesters"! They're not protesters, because protesters normally don't do anything to get injured or killed. They're rioters/terrorists who have defied the will of actual protesters, who have begged them at times to stop! Trump does't have a problem with people protesting over Floyd's death, he has a problem with those throwing bricks, attacking cops and people trapped in their cars and all the theft going on. None of that matters to Lemon, he's trying to stir up viewers to think Trump is this dictator and tyrant the democrat governors have actually become during the scamdemic.

This is not news, it's not even the equivalent of an opinionated Fox show like Carlson or Ingraham. Lemon is throwing gasoline on a fire, and worse off he's defending antifa. Too bad the rioters didn't take CNN down the other day, they would've spared us a headache.

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