Monday, June 1, 2020

Fmr NYC Commissioner: Mayors are Cowards, Riots Part of Large Operation

Fmr NYC Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik has been giving his insight on the riots taking place across the country and he's pointing the finger of blame at two causes: the mayors and radical Left organizations.

It's abundantly clear the mayors have lost control of their cities, they are cowards with no spine to stand up to the thugs who have taken legit protests and turned them into violent destructive riots. They are choosing to restrain law enforcement from using their power to stomp out the crime we're watching every night. The monsters are emboldened laughing at these curfews and other restrictions because they know nothing will actually be done to them.

Kerik ran the largest police force in the country, a small army when you think about it. He had intel and investigative resources operate under him so his analysis of what's happening in the country is quite accurate with regard to the planning and coordination by radical Leftist organizations. Kerik says are approx 13-15 locations where pallets of bricks have conveniently been left, in areas where there's no construction, for these terrorists to use that needs to be traced. He also confirms reports of abandoned cars left in strategic locations where incendiary devices (molotov cocktails), bricks, rocks and other weapons were found inside, all spelled out in the Antifa Handbook. And take note when he talks of friends seeing numbers of young people in the airports, who were no doubt flown in to carry out these riots for whomever is footing their bill.

The people behind this insurrection must be hunted down and brought to justice. Now that antifa has been designated a domestic terrorist group it opens the door for the DOJ to go after people, pull their financial records and blow open their network which will surely point back to Soros and others.

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