Monday, December 14, 2015

Mark Levin: Donald Trump Really Screwed Up

Knew this was coming, so before Trump supporters bash Levin LISTEN to what he is saying about Trump and why.

I'm sure Mr Trump will attempt to attack Mark Levin,  say bad things about him since that is his nature. The Donald isolates, attacks and destroys anyone who goes against him.... Hey that tactic sure sounds familiar huh, like Alinsky 101!? FYI Levin is not one to bow down to anyone so if Trump is thinking of going to war with Mark he is in for a hell of a fight!

The Cruz attack was really uncalled for. Ted blasted Mitch McConnell and the GOP Establishment and that makes him a maniac? But when Trump attacks the GOP Establishment it's okay and praised? No sorry you cannot have it both ways regardless of what the polls say.

BTW the polls that are being praised are the same ones "experts" were citing to a Hillary '08 and Romney '12 win. The polls are meaningless the real race starts when primary voters go to the voting booth.

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