Friday, December 18, 2015

Obama Admin Has No Clue Where 9500 Suspected Terrorists With Revoked Visas Are in the US

The State Dept issued 9,500 visas, did some extra homework on said individuals realizing they are dangerous, revokes their visas but DHS officials admit they have no clue where these people are to throw them out. This is the same administration who failed to thoroughly vet San Bernardino terrorist Tashfeen Malik yet swears they can vet 85,000 Syrian refugees!

100,000 refugees have already been brought into the US under the radar since 2012. This level of incompetency is off the charts that no other admin has ever gotten close to the failures of the obama imperial regime. His majesty and everyone under him is either stupid or complicit with bringing these people into the US putting the nation under incredible level of threat. Meanwhile as enemies enter the US right through the front door Darth Hussein™ is actively planning a major power grab against the Second Amendment. Pure insanity to want to disarm the people in the name of public safety while terrorists are being allowed to enter!

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