Thursday, December 17, 2015

Rush: GOP Sold America Down the River Over Omnibus Spending Bill

If it wasn't clear by now it should be after today that the GOP is dead, they have gone the way of the Whig Party. These elitist career politicians have sold America down the river more or less enslaving each and everyone of us for their out of control spending and political favoring.

The democrats have successfully convinced the republicans to crater under the fears of govt shutdown or whatever else they have been labeled. These jerks BEGGED the American people for majorities in the House and Senate that they would get obama and democrats under control. Voters did that and in return we get an insane 2000 page spending bills that fully funds:

Planned Parenthood
obama's executive amnesty
refugees resettlement programs
tax credits for illegal aliens
massive spending increases
climate change initiative
quadruples H2B foregn worker visas, etc....

This criminal corrupt republican party has given obama everything he wanted, that Jeff Sessions spelled out on the Senate floor. Paul Ryan is continuing where Boehner left off and Mitch McConnell is no different from Harry Reid.

At this point I don't think anyone would argue with Rush saying the republican party might as well disband and let the democrats run everything. Don't forget they have surrendered the power of the purse and other Constitutional powers to Darth Hussein™. We have no representation in Washington DC America. Because so many Americans are too busy to get active this abuse and enslavement will continue because they know you won't do anything about them. Am I wrong? Well where are the recall elections? Where are the marches, protests and sit-ins? Why is DC being brought to a standstill?

2016 prediction majorities will be lost in both the House and Senate, as for the White House whoever we end up with we the people will still lose.

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