Friday, December 11, 2015

Terror Expert Who Predicted Terror Attack on US Soil Says More Attacks Coming

Those living in reality agree and believe the San Bernardino attack was in fact a terrorist attack not work place violence. Former double agent Morten Storm confirms the two terrorists were most likely part of a larger group/cell. Why FBI Dir Comey went public few days later to say the FBI doesn't believe they were is insane. Farook and Malik ARE the cell! Who were all the people neighbors reported seeing going in and out at odd hours and working in garage.. the same garage pipe bombs were made?

Storm is warning that what we are seeing from radical islamists is just the beginning. He was a bit hesitant to speak, because he tends to be right, but says more attacks will come in the following weeks and into 2016. You saw the video clip of his earlier warning and others posted on STR, to know he is a trusted source for information and the truth. While "experts" and our leaders like obama will lie and misinform, Storm tells the truth because he lived it! That is why his words matter over others!

Terrorists are not going to stop, they want to destroy every aspect of our life, especially during the holidays when people are distracted and very vulnerable. Terrorists are willing to die for their beliefs, it does not matter if you believe their belief system they do! Live your life, enjoy the holidays but stay vigilant and if you can arm yourself as San Bernardino proves these monsters will attack anywhere.

(From Dec 3rd)

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