Monday, January 11, 2016

Biden: 'The Second Amendment Says You Can Limit Who Can Own a Gun'

Thank God Crazy Joe isn’t running for POTUS! It was nice of him to give “advice” to Bernie Sanders but the Second Amendment does not limit who can own a gun anywhere in it. Granted we want to keep them away from the nuts and violent criminals as he suggests but don’t go around making statements like this that get progressive anti-gun lobby all charged up.

The Second Amendment is the only Amendment the Founders put a DO NOT TOUCH clause into,
"... shall not be infringed."

The Founders knew from studying other governments that no matter what they did tyrants would rise even in the govt they were creating. They gave us 2A as the final check and balance when all other means to address our discourse failed against a tyrannical govt. The Second Amendment was never about hunting or sport, nor limited to muskets. To suggest such foolery would also mean they meant pamphlets and newspapers were only protected in the First Amendment!

Read the Founders words the people are in fact the militia. Sorry libs we don't go by your 20th/ 21st century interpretation and definition of words either. There was no limit on who could own a weapon or what kind frankly. They wanted us as well armed as the govt to overt tyranny, period.

If you libs don't like it then stop with chipping away with regs that will come to a head someday instead do what you really want to do, introduce a bill to repeal the Second Amendment. You think the nation supports your anti-gun agenda then lets have the debate and vote once and for all!

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