Saturday, January 16, 2016

Counter-Terrorism Expert: US Gave Away Farm With Iran Hostage Release

Dr. Sebastian Gorka nailed it, the problem with the Iran hostages release deal is once again America is giving away the farm. In exchange for the the 5 Americans here's what the US gave up:
- The release of 7 individuals who were prosecuted/ charged for dual use technology for Iran (for nuclear development)
- Another 14 people have been removed from Interpol's red flag list that are most likely terrorists.
And God only knows what else has been given up behind closed doors!
The obama admin is constantly surrendering to radical regimes and govts putting the US and our allies in grave danger. Every single deal this regime makes is bad fo the US. Did we not learn a lesson with the Bergdahl swap?

Few days ago I tweeted that Iran has US by the balls which is why obama did and said nothing about the US Navy sailors being held by Iran. Today is one of many examples that confirm this theory.

While it is good news these hostages have been released look at the price "we" had to pay.  So here is the deal, if you insist on traveling to Iran and other middle eastern countries Americans are a clear target, you're on your own. US has been forced to give up far too much for selfish individuals traveling abroad in countries they should have never been in to begin with. Harsh? Yes. Do I care? NO, not when the US is always giving up the farm to nations/groups who hate us and want us all dead.

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