Friday, January 15, 2016

Why Isn't the Media Airing This Trump Video Which is the Reason For Cruz's "New York Values" Comment

This interview Trump did with Tim Russert is the reason for Ted Cruz's comments on New York values. Why isn't anyone airing it (incl Fox)? There is clearly a concerted effort by the MSM to protect Trump. WHY?

Liberal media, liberal attorneys and pundits are not attacking him and even aiding him in his attacks on others. This in normal sane world would put red flags up in everyones minds and know to steer clear of Trump. But instead, as Ted Nugent says, we are living in "bizzaro cukoos nest"!

Donald Trump is not a conservative. Those backing him you're living in denial, contradicting the TEA Party/ Conservative values you have been standing on. He never talks of the Constitutionality of his policies, small govt, his religious faith(unless asked, even then its questionable) instead he preaches just like obama did in '08 where people are not comprehending what he is saying, which is a lot of nothing.

You're being scammed again America! You're letting your hate for obama and the democrats clout your judgement just as dems did in '08 with obama over their hate for Bush.

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