Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dana Loesch Takes Juan Williams to the Woodshed in Heated Debate on Gun Rights

There is nothing better than watching Dana Loesch school a liberal with facts vs the fear mongering, misinfo and taking points dolts like Juan Williams loves to spew. This guy had no chance as he sat there head down literally reading info off that the regime probably sent out to all their minions to regurgitate in defense of their messiah following his fake Guns In America townhall meeting on CNN. Where as Loesch looks right into the camera schooling him with facts that prove the messiahs desire for a gun grab is flawed.

As for Williams whining about the NRA and it's influence GOOD FOR THEM! I am a Life Member and I hope they hold DC by the balls!

As for the opening with obama, here's the deal with him and his claims of inviting any opposition to talk on serious issues like gun control.

He talks, you listen and do what he says, there is no compromise.

We know this is true because time after time he pulls out his magic pen and goes around Congress with Executive Orders. He doesn't want to have a debate with anyone be it the NRA or GOP. Te obama admin will gladly leave the door open for them to talk but it is surely a "hey come on in sit down and listen to me. This is how it's going to go otherwise I will be forced to A) tell the DOJ to find a way to do it or B) I'll use my executive powers.

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