Thursday, January 7, 2016

Mark Levin: Yes, Ted Cruz IS a Natural-Born American Citizen, Eligible to Run for President

Trump has jumped on the birther train throwing red meat out to the ignorant sparking life back into birthers. Thankfully we have people like Mark Levin to educate the ignorant and FYI none of our first seven Presidents were born in the US. Under the definition birthers are running with the whole country is illegitimate! It is ridiculous this even has to be discussed when the law 8 US Code § 1401 is clear:

FYI Josh Earnest, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC etc and all you democrats who have gone full birther you do realize if what you say about Ted Cruz being ineligible is true then you have admitted your messiah emperor obama is ineligible too! To date anytime anyone brought up obama's eligibility they were deemed haters and racists by the left. So now it is fair game to call all of you racists and haters for running with these birther claims against Ted Cruz. So please push on the issue, make your argument, push hard!

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