Friday, January 22, 2016

Fmr CIA Double Agent: Hillary 'Played Russian Roulette' With Spies' Lives

With new reports out that Hillary Clinton had above top secret emails on her private email server, that contained information on human intelligence assets, one has to wonder how many people like Morten Storm has she put in danger? On top of that since the Pentagon has been hacked, clearly this server was at risk for hack attack too?! What other secrets was she in possession of that have been compromised?

Hillary Clinton should be perp walked right now. Instead she is running free, LYING about what is going on is which is proof as to how corrupt and broken our govt is. She will probably be indicted, but there is no way the fmr First Lady, US Senator and Sec of State will ever see the inside of a jail cell. If this was anyone else they'd already be in jail. The DOJ won't prosecute her if they did, she will probably get a fine and rewarded with the DNC nomination. When that happens, it will be the final straw proving the Banana Republic we're living under.

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