Friday, January 22, 2016

Trump Tells Las Vegas Crowd He Will Become Part of Establishment to Get Things Done

Before you go on the attack listen to the words coming directly from Trumps mouth. You hate the establishment (aka progressive R's & D's) why would you want someone welcoming their support and promising to make deals with those who have and want to make your life miserable?

“...there’s a point at which, let’s get to be a little establishment, we gotta get things done, folks, okay? Believe me don't worry we're gonna make such great deals," ... "I mean we can all be tough, and we can be th-, but you know at some point we gotta get our country back in track.”

The establishment (R's & D's) are the ones responsible for the mess we're in so sorry Donald true conservatives are not interested let alone willing to become a "little establishment".

This is just the beginning folks from what bloggers and other sites are finding. What do you think will happen when the media flips the switch from friendly interviews to attacking Trump 24/7? The media has been propping him up for months because they don't fear running their candidates against him in a general election. In a sane rational world when the liberal media is more or less picking the rights candidate people would run far and as fast as possible from that candidate... not this time.

I was doing these types of posts in 2007/08 against obama. I was vehemently attacked, berated, even had accounts banned or suspended. I was right. You sure you want to ride this (Trump)train?

This is not going to end well for the country.

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