Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Judge Napolitano: Case Against Hillary is 'Overwhelming, Damning and Grave'

The Judge lays it all out that Clinton should be in a world of trouble for negligently handling information above top secret on her private server. I hear him, I hear what the Judge and many others are saying about the severity of what Hillary has done. I've seen the laws she has broken like US Code 18 793 (f)...

... but lets be honest does anyone really believe anything is going to happen to her?

We know DC and political elites live by a separate set of rules. Does anyone really believe a fmr First Lady, US Senator and Sec of State will be thrown in jail? Before you answer that consider this: When and if she is indicted but it goes bad or she finds an angle to weasel out of it that propels her politically to win the presidency do you think heads won't literally roll?

The Clinton's have a history of holding a grudge and destroying anyone who crosses them. Imagine for a second she weasels out of this do you really believe Pres Hillary won't go after anyone and everyone in the FBI & DOJ (and Congress) involved with charging her? It is because of that fear of revenge I have said repeatedly nothing will happen to her. The FBI & DOJ will put on a show for all of us, probably indict her but she most likely won't even get a fine for dwarfing what Gen Petraeus did.

If any of us had done a fraction of what she did we would already be in jail. You want to be mad, get mad about how the elites live by a separate set of rules.

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