Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Atty Gen: Obama's Executive Orders on Gun Control 'Are Consistent With Constitution'

First off, thank you US Senate for confirming Eric Holder 2.0. America I hope you remember that when you go to the ballot box in November.

The Second Amendment is the only Amendment with a built in DO NOT TOUCH clause. That said, I'd like to know exactly how obama's executive orders are consistent with the Constitution when they violate that DNT clause?

"...shall not be infringed." Couldn't be any more clear, yet how many laws do we have violating our right to keep and bear arms? Obama's EO's will in fact violate peoples 2A right who have been put on watch lists or because they saw a shrink without due process. Selling a gun to a friend, family member or even to a gun dealer people will have to get an FFL?! This is insane and NONE of these policies will do anything to stop gun violence since criminals by their very nature do not follow the law!

If obama and progressives have their way they would outlaw 2A today but they don't have the stones to introduce a bill to repeal it. Instead they chip away, year after year because that's what progressives do. They're on a 100+ year plan to transform America so no one notices until one day its too late!

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