Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Press Sec Confident Supreme Court Will Uphold Obama's Executive Amnesty

Illegal aliens by their very presence in the US are violating our laws. How any court could rule to uphold a rogue presidents executive actions will just go to show how broken this govt has become. Jumping the gun? Yes, but based on the Supreme Courts past performance I have no faith they will uphold the rule of law. This court is composed of political activists who care more about ruling based on political agenda than Constitutional law. SCOTUS has proven time and again to side with the obama imperial regime or important issues.

This govt has clearly taken steps to put priority and favor to illegal alien invaders over American citizens. The Minister of Propaganda as usual cites a broken immigration system but leaves out it is Washington who is responsible for breaking it. The system is fine, the people charged to enforce the laws on the books to stop illegals from coming into the US are the problem!

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