Friday, January 29, 2016

Obama: We Will Have a Democratic President Succeeding Me

Is the fix in with so many progressives running or considering a run from Sanders, Clinton, O'Malley, Biden(?), Bloomberg(?)... Trump? This may be the one time the imperial emperor is right!

WE though the last two elections mattered and it turns out this one could be the one. If a progressive wins they continue on to put the finishing touches to fundamental transformation obama started. If we get a true conservative they may be able to undo the damage so long as they adhere to the rule of law and Constitution. Don't forget whoever you choose for president will most likely be the one who appoints 2-4 new Supreme Court Justices.

So America do you want a progressive who detests and never speaks of the Constitution appointing judges that will remain long after he/ she that appointed them is gone? Or do you want a leader who will select the best candidates for SCOTUS who respect the Constitution and are not politically driven?

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