Friday, January 29, 2016

Watch Chuck Schumer "Kick" Harry Reid After Reid Says He's 'Pulling' for Trump


Reid: Reid: I'm kinda pulling for him [Trump] -- You don't like that Chuck? I was just trying to be funny with Donald Trump and obviously wasn't too funny. Schumer kicked me in the back leg
Schumer: And a few other places
Reid: Yes few other places, little higher than the leg

Why did Schumer "knee" or "kick" Reid? Look close, Chucky doesn't look too happy. I'll tell you why, because they do not want the cat out of the bag that they want Trump, a LONG TIME democrat supporter, to be the GOP nominee and possibly POTUS. This just helps solidify Trumps comment that he make deals with them and will become establishment to get things done. Reid states he is watching this primary with pleasure. Of course because his good friend and former donor has turned things upside down!

Reid admits he has received support from Trump and here are the donations made..

Trump Reid donations

And the Donald has been generous to Schumer over the years as well..

Trump Schumer donations

As far as how much Trump was able to raise in fundraisers for them that's unknown for now. BUT Trump was able to raise an est $6mil for veterans during his boycott of the GOP debate 1/28/16, so its plausible he raised quite a bit for his democratic friends!

Yes, yes some donations are very old but look at the more recent donations. 2009 & 2010 was when the TEA Party was on the rise that Trump who claims to be conservative was donating to two of the TP's biggest adversaries!

Get used to seeing posts like this here and elsewhere. The same warning bells I'm ringing now about Trump I was ringing about obama in 2007/08 where NO ONE would listen to or would viciously attack me. Safe to say many of those people now regret their actions as myself and countless others have been vindicated. That said people need to wake the hell up and understand Trump is the same threat as obama was; he's just on the other extreme end of the pendulum.

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