Thursday, February 11, 2016

DHS Whistleblower Says He Was Ordered to 'Scrub' Records of Muslims With Terror Ties

The fmr DHS employee, Phil Haney, who blew the whistle on how the admin shut down the security probe on jihadis, that could have stopped the San Bernardino terror attack, says he was ordered to delete and modify records of muslims in the US with terror ties.

To the biggest doubters out there it should now be abundantly clear the obama imperial regime is engaged in a concerted effort to protect radical islam... regardless of the consequences. What is more disturbing is that no one in DC, including ANY of the presidential candidates, are speaking out about the danger this administration has put all Americans in with these deliberate actions.

The obama admin has more or less rolled out the red-carpet for radical islamists as well as their support groups to set up camp in America. It has a feeling or a sense of early forced colonization, to where one day we will be experiencing the same problems Germany, Sweden, Italy and most of Europe is experiencing. This leads one to suspect we will be on the receiving end of a massive number of "refugees" before obama's term is up. It's like the powers that be are preparing us to just deal with whomever is here and we cannot vet these people under any circumstances... but the bigger question is why protect those who are potential threats? This action doesn't make any sense, it truly is political correctness out of control if we can't keep eyes on those with terror ties. Now if you wanted a reason to seize power, then allowing threats to live among the people who will create havoc and chaos makes total sense! Violence in the streets of America is all that is missing from this machine being turned on progressives have been building for a very long time. The infrastructure is set up for total control, all that's needed is a violent event.

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