Thursday, February 11, 2016

US Ambassador Doesn’t Know Location of Iran’s Enriched Uranium

Ambassador Stephen Mull, who was appointed as the State Departments Lead Coordinator for Iran Nuclear Implementation, stated to Congress "we do not have concerns about Russian custody of this material.." He went on to say the IAEA over saw the loading of nuclear material, BUT when directly questioned by Rep Chris Smith Mull dodged if the IAEA knew the final destination stating it's under Russia's control and responsibility!

This revelation is another example of how bad the obama/Iran nuke deal is. It is beyond naive to not have detailed information as to who and where in Russia this material will end up.

The uranium was shipped out but what confirmation do we have it all made it to Russia? How do we know all the uranium was handed over to Russia? It's no mystery Russia is an ally of Iran's since they both have a common enemy ie the USA, so who is to say they didn't let the Iranians keep some? Mull states if "one piece of dust" goes back or we can assume is missing "we'll" know, but how?

Sorry to share this disturbing information and distract everyone from the GOP circus led by PT Barnum-Trump. Just thought you should know so you won't be surprised one day when a major city is glowing in the dark.

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