Friday, February 12, 2016

OH Christian Restaurant Machete Attacker Killed By Police Was Somali Muslim

When news broke late Thursday night of a bloody machete attack at the Nazareth Restaurant and Deli, in Columbus OH, you couldn't help but assume it was a terror attack after past reports of similar styled attacks worldwide. Then to make matters worse the identity of the attacker, killed by police, was being withheld for some time which we definitely saw after several terror attacks in the US. And now the media reports the FBI has gotten involved since the attacker, Mohammad Barry, "has a Somali background, and officials believe he may have traveled to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates in 2012."(CBS)

The police claim this is a random attack...

...but local media suggests the attacker got into an argument with the owner and asked what country he was from!

Once again we have another example of law enforcement going out of its way to not label an attack as terrorism. There is clearly a concerted effort, we cam assume by the obama DOJ, directed to all LE agencies across the US to not call any style attack committed by a muslim terrorism. The obama regime is constantly covering for radical islamists pandering to the muslim community for what end goal? What can this admin possibly gain by protecting those who want to kill us?

If the end goal is power and control, then you allow an enemy to run free causing chaos so the people will beg "for anything to be done"! From that there is no resistance when govt seizes more power under the guise of "for your protection"

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